
The Marathon ... sort of

The Twin Cities Marathon was last Sunday. It's a great event and over the last few years my brother-in-law has run which gives us a lot of good reason to get out and attend. Not only that but, we're the pit crew. We drive the course through all the neighborhoods to meet up with Steve about every five miles ... seven of us. In a Dodge Caravan. It's fun stuff.

This year was no different. I usually get some nice event pictures, the obligatory group shot of the "crew" and of the tortured soul of my brother-in-law. But, that's not what I'm here to talk to you about ... what I really want to talk about are the interesting things we saw along the way ...

The race begins in downtown Minneapolis and so the first stop, five miles from the start, is Lake Calhoun. We get there usually around 7:45 am. The first competitors get there just around 8:30. So, there's some time to get a few shots of the ambiance.



Once we got to the runners my favorite feature of the day turned out to be the footwear. Until Converse got their hands on some colored canvas, shoes were pretty much white when I was a kid.




We made our way through south Minneapolis to the Lake Nikomis neighborhood (our third stop) where we ran across a few interesting things. We had parked the car and were making our way to mile fourteen when we ran across this chair. It was just sitting out by the curb in front of, I assume, the owner's house. Perhaps it was used for gardening, hard to tell ... but here it was on display, right in the front yard. In fact, on the easement between the curb and the sidewalk. It was quaint, simple, curious. Definitely something that needed to be recorded.

But, that wasn't all. We were walking back to the car when we turned up this alley shortcut and ran into this great looking MGB ... bright yellow, mint condition. My guess ... a 1972. I had a black '67 when I was in high school but this one was in spectacular shape!


Over by the river we cut across at mile twenty-one. In Saint Paul, the Lake Street bridge had this view to offer.



This Marathon thing is actually pretty cool, lasts about as long as a football game, that is if you're following someone that can run the damn thing in just over three hours and finishes up at a big gathering in front of the State Capitol Building.


We got there about ten minutes before Steve crossed the finish line. The sky had been working up a threat most of the morning but held off until I got this shot of the Quadriga. Then it started to rain ... that was cool, we were done.


Quintessential Majesty

Generally speaking, I'm an animal lover but, rarely photograph them unless my dog happens to be the only subject available. I did however, get a couple of shots that I really liked. This is Dakota. He's my sister's dog and a beautiful one at that! A Siberian Husky would be my guess ... docile, affable, just a great dog.

While strolling past Lake LaVerne the swans are always a marvelous attraction. This one was preening its feathers showing off his wing. For as long as I can remember this little lake in front of the Iowa State Memorial Union has been populated with two swans ... 1959 would be my first recollection of them: Lancelot & Elaine.